Saturday, August 4, 2007

Techno Tools and the TNC

The second Teacher Networking Center meeting was held on Wednesday, August 1st at 11:00am SLT. Tek and I wanted to have the meeting at that time so that European educators would have a chance to attend. Really not sure how many of the people who came to that meeting were European for we ended up with quite a crowd.

The meeting began on the front walk of the building. Tek and I were out there finishing up a few last minute details when our neighbor, KJ Hax, from SLolar Central came by. As the three of us were talking, more and more people began arriving. Tek took the group on a tour of the building, while I stayed outside to welcome any new arrivals.

Inside, we have set up displays of various SL tools and resources for people to use, practice and try out. Notecards giving instructions on use and where to aquire the tools are also available. I had been collecting tools and resources for some time now.

Here is a sampling of some the tools and resources available.

Communal Whiteboard by AngryBeth Shortbread
FreeView 1.2 by CrystalShard Foo
Powerpoint Presenter
SL Survey 1.1 by Eloise Pasteur and Jeremy Kemp
Various laptops (Squirrel, Pear, Den, and more)

There are also a few Powerpoint presentations on topics such a Professional Developemnt in Sl, Freebie Places in Sl and Sl Classes. Boxes containing items such as HUDs, textures, scripts, clothing, and teaching resources can also be found in the rooms upstairs and downstairs.

The August 1st meeting was an informal gathering. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 13 at 6:00pm SLT. This time the meeting will focus on the theme" First Days of School".

Please come.
And please join

Teacher Networking Center
A place on Eduisland II for educators to meet, share, collaboarate and explore all of the many educational possibilities available.

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